The Intense Out Of Control Conditions Of Jails & Prisons

The out of control intense inhumane conditions of many parish & county jails as well as some state prisons did not get this way over night but over time by social causes just as all crime has social causes which are not always recognizable to everyone.

Any problem that has evolved over time due to lack of social conscience & social justice requires social solutions.

However social solutions should not always require a popular election or vote in all platforms nor is it safe to have only one person responsible for appointing positions that have traditionally been elected by popular vote or appointed by a mayor who is elected by popular vote...

Because popular vote means simply that a person is simply better liked than the opponent who ran against the one who won and is in office.

Yet often no candidate has the experience and qualifications to administer and accomplish the required daily tasks of the position or job which he or she runs for and wins.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

It Only Takes One Person Unfit For His Or Her Job To Cause Kaos; But The Right Person...

Sometimes it only takes one person who is unfit to have authority of any kind over others to either cause very dire inhumane and unsafe conditions for entire cities states or make the very terrible situation the inherit when they get into office dismally worse.

 When they are elected to positions which they lack either or both the education, moral responsibility and competency to administer and accomplish the daily tasks required... therefore also lacking the ability to maintain order and control through their staff....their tenor   in office will create only havoc and more dangerous situations requiring a firm combined effort of many to correct.


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